Badge Evidence | Completed Courses (4 Hours Each)
EC110Reaching High-Levels of Student Engagement
All teachers should aim for maximum student engagement. To facilitate this happening requires an understanding and application of fundamental principles of effective instruction, especially in our new world of virtual learning. This engagement course is the first in a series designed to empower teachers to reach their highest levels of performance, digitally and in person. This course provides content and emphasizes the pedagogy, psychology, and neuroscience involved with engagement. The outcome for this course is to equip teachers to engage in deeper conversations about student learning, cognitive growth, and performance. This course provides engagement strategies to use in CTE courses immediately.
ED148ChatGPT and Educational Uses
This course will provide an overview of ChatGPT and how it might impact education. With an artificial intelligence (AI) language processing tool, there could be endless possibilities. However, like any other technology, its use in education is to be considered carefully, because learning will be affected. The course begins with an overview of the history of chatbots and artificial intelligence and goes on to discuss how to use ChatGPT, how teachers and students may use it, and the advantages and disadvantages of its use.
EL102Online Teaching Techniques
Your degree of success as an online instructor relies heavily on several factors, among which are your level of preparedness before the date on which the course is launched; your ability to make a smooth transition into the roles and responsibilities associated with teaching in an online environment; and the effectiveness and efficiency with which you manage learners, instructional transactions embedded in the course as well as the learning environment. In this course, you will learn how to project your authority and presence into the e-learning environment, build a relationship with each learner, promote and nurture learner participation, provide informative and constructive feedback in a timely manner, minimize attrition, manage communications, manage unacceptable behavior and resolve disagreements.
EL103Teaching Online: A Student-Centered Approach
This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to author, teach, assess, and revise successful online courses. You will learn to develop a course framework with consistent modules. Constructing an online community and a dynamic syllabus are important in helping you communicate with students. You will also learn how to develop an assessment plan including self- and peer-assessment as you progress through the course. No online course is complete without a comprehensive revision cycle. This course will walk you through the process of "closing the loop" to create a complete revision and improvement plan for your online course. We will provide you with ideas for student-centered learning, with activities and intellectual interactions using a variety of technology tools.
EL103RTeaching Online: A Student-Centered Approach
This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to successfully author, teach, assess, and revise online courses. You will learn to develop a course framework with consistent modules. Building an online community and constructing a dynamic syllabus are important in helping you communicate with students. You will also learn how to develop an assessment plan that includes peer and self-assessment. No online course is complete without a comprehensive revision cycle. This course will walk you through the process of "closing the loop" to create a complete revision and improvement plan for your online course. We will provide you with ideas for student-centered learning that includes activities and intellectual interactions using a variety of technological tools.
EL105Online Language: Communicating with Students
This course will provide you with information to help you effectively communicate with students and encourage communication among students in an online environment. You will learn the importance of facilitating instructor-to-student (I2S), student-to-instructor (S2I), and student-to-student (S2S) communication. Technology tools play a vital role in the communication process and several are discussed in this course. In addition, discussion is also provided to help you further understand how to manage and measure communication in an online course and help students communicate effectively.
EL106Evaluating Student Learning in Online Courses
This course will provide you with the knowledge to effectively evaluate student learning in an online environment. Technology tools play a vital role in the evaluation process and several are discussed in this module. Discussion will also be provided to help you further understand how to complete formative and summative assessments, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of objective and subjective assessments. Value-added assessments are also discussed in light of how they can be completed and provide feedback for course revision.
EL107RDesigning Dynamic and Technology-Rich Learning Environments
This course outlines the main characteristics of "dynamic" course design for blended instruction and highlights effective teaching methods that facilitate the learning process. Participants in this course will be able to customize the design principles and methods presented here to suit their individual professional context.
EL108Preparing Students to Become Good Online Learners
This course will provide you with strategies and techniques to help prepare students for the online environment. To do so, you must also assess your strengths and weaknesses as an online instructor. As you help students assess their readiness for online learning, you are also preparing them for the expectations and realities of the online environment. By identifying students' strengths and weaknesses, you can provide guidance to help them achieve the learning outcomes. This course not only notes the necessary technical skills, it also discusses non-technical skills as well as techniques for successful learning and helping students develop their online persona.
EL109Using Rubrics to Enhance Online Learning
This course will inform you about the purpose of rubrics and will provide you with the techniques to develop rubrics as an assessment tool for student performance, processes and products. This course will explore types of rubrics, the role rubrics play in assessment, as well as the use of rubrics in evaluating elements of your online course to ensure your course is truly student-centered.
EL110Effective Use of Social Media in Online Courses
This course will provide you with strategies and techniques to help use social networking in the online environment. It provides an overview of social networking, media hosting and sharing, microblogging and blogging. An introduction to each will be provided, and content development, policy, facilitation and assessment will all be discussed. Suggested activities will also be provided.
EL115Gaming and Simulation in Online Learning
This course will provide you with strategies and techniques to immerse students in an interactive environment that will incorporate gaming and simulations to introduce, engage, and reinforce online learning. This course will begin with definitions of gaming and simulations as a tool for online learning and will provide guidance to evaluate, implement, and assess the effectiveness of games.
EL117Understanding Personality Traits of Online Instructors and Learners
This course will provide you with an overview of online instructors' and learners' personality traits. Participants will be provided with information about the traits themselves, as well as how to identify such traits, utilize them, and develop lessons to reach all students.
EL140Andragogy in Online Learning
This course will assist in improving the richness of online learning opportunities by incorporating strategies to avoid the rote memorization and repeating of facts for assessment purposes. Instructors will be able to construct an overarching philosophy to coincide with templated materials. A foundation for success can begin with analyzing the principles of Malcolm Knowles' Theory of Adult Learning and applying those principles to the online classroom. The goal of this course is to help develop a better understanding of the topic, and produce tangible resources to help implement plans, strategies, and ideas at your institution. In addition to lecture videos, resource links, and assessments, you will be able to utilize Learning Activities, which will continue to be useful after successful completion of the course.
EL141Engaging Online Learners
This course will explore the online learning landscape and how to ensure learner engagement remains high, even when working virtually. The course discusses various aspects of online education, as well as discussing techniques for both social and motivational forms of engagement and how to apply them appropriately in courses.
The goal of this course is to help develop a better understanding of the topic and produce tangible resources to help implement plans, strategies, and ideas at your school. In addition to lecture videos, links to possible resources, and assessments, you will be able to utilize the Journal and Learning Activities. Take advantage of a method that best works for you.
EL142Effective Online Assessments
Assessments are a vital part of the learning process. They allow students and teachers to see how well they are doing and what needs to be improved upon. When offering online assessments, it is sometimes difficult to develop effective methods due to the new digital learning landscape, experience level with online teaching, or with tweaking on-ground assessments to create an effective online form.
In this course, students will identify the impacts and opportunities that online assessments have in the digital learning process, discover the challenges that can present themselves and the strategies to overcome them, and evaluate guidelines for crafting effective assessment opportunities in an online course.
ML129Developing Employees
This course will show you how to encourage your employees to learn and grow, while maximizing the return on the management time you invest in employee development.
OP121Managing Online Faculty at a Distance
It is no longer news that predictive learning analytics are changing online classroom instruction. This course teaches current trends in locating, hiring, monitoring and retaining the best professionals that specialize in online instruction. More importantly, this course provides insights for using the new predictive analytic approaches to optimize management of online faculty. Generalized "best practices" are waning in favor of real-time monitoring for individualized qualitative and quantitative analyses. This real-time approach provides significantly increased student success and retention. Also addressed in the course is how to build a strong faculty management team, continuing faculty development recommendations and various business considerations.