Steven Starks

Excellence in Career Services
CHEP Status: Active
CHEP Awarded: 07/29/2024

Badge Evidence | Completed Courses (4 Hours Each)

Professional networking is an essential career development skill that can lead to new job opportunities, higher salaries, and valuable relationships. Despite the numerous advantages of networking, many learners are unaware of its importance and not equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively build and maintain professional relationships. Career professionals must be able to teach learners how to build the social capital they need to gain access to opportunities, information, and resources that drive career success. This course provides a structured, practical approach to helping learners develop the knowledge and skills needed to foster professional relationships that will assist in career advancement for years to come. *The course contains multiple done-for-you resources for download and use with learners.
Personal branding is about communicating and presenting one’s unique promise of value. It’s an essential skill that must be learned, not only to facilitate seeking employment opportunities, but to help one navigate professional transitions throughout their working life. But for most job seekers, developing and communicating their brand is extremely challenging. Educators and workforce professionals must be empowered to guide their learners through a process that makes personal branding easier to understand and implement. This course describes a structured, practical approach to helping learners communicate who they are, what they can do, and how they can add value in the workplace, through offline and online methods. *The course contains multiple done-for-you resources for download and use with learners.
With new recruiting technologies, increasingly selective hiring practices, and the prevalence of remote work, it’s clear that job searching has fundamentally changed over the years. Yet outdated and ineffective job search methods persist. Career educators and workforce development professionals must be equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques to help learners navigate a modern, competitive job search landscape. This course provides a structured, practical approach to helping learners develop the skills needed to execute an effective job search strategy while building resilience in the process.
This unique interview preparation course provides a comprehensive program that helps job seekers turn interviews into offers with a structured and repeatable process. Unlike broadly prescribed interview tips, this course emphasizes actionable, step-by-step training that empowers job seekers to improve their self-awareness, align their strengths with specific employer needs, and persuasively articulate their value. Career professionals will gain frameworks, communication models, and practical resources to implement a full-fledged interview preparation program that enables job seekers to confidently tailor their responses, back them with evidence, and leave a lasting impression in nearly any interview setting. Don’t settle for generic advice—equip job seekers with a competitive edge for interview success.
In today’s digital labor market, a strong online presence is a necessity. As the world’s largest online professional network, LinkedIn is a critical platform for anyone serious about building their professional online presence and advancing their career. However, many learners may not know how to make the most of this powerful tool, and as a career professional, it’s your job to help them succeed. This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to teach your learners how to create a standout LinkedIn profile, expand their professional network, and tap into valuable resources that can help them stay ahead in their field. *The course contains multiple done-for-you tools and resources for download and use with learners.
Career professionals play a crucial role in empowering job seekers to set goals, overcome challenges, and access vital career development resources. Unfortunately, most career professionals lack adequate training in the art of helping, which can hinder their ability to effectively guide and support others. This course bridges the training gap, equipping career professionals with essential tools and techniques to become effective helpers in guiding learners to success. Whether you are coaching individuals through career transitions or offering ongoing support, this course enhances your ability to create positive and transformative experiences for those you assist. Gain invaluable insights into effective helping techniques, communication strategies, and discernment of individual needs for providing tailored support. Elevate your skills today and empower others on their journey to achievement.
As a career support professional, you’re well aware of the diverse challenges individuals face on their career journeys, from choosing the right path to navigating the job market. Understanding resilience and knowing how to cultivate it in those you assist is key to their success.

In this course, we’ll delve into the science and art of resilience, equipping you with practical strategies to guide learners effectively. We’ll explore the core elements of resilience, offering evidence-backed approaches to help individuals persist in the face of adversity. In today’s dynamic professional landscape, resilience isn’t a nice-to-have—it’s a must-have competitive advantage. Enroll now and chart a course to mastery in resilience.

Remote work has been on the rise for decades and is now shaping the way companies everywhere do business. To work effectively in remote environments, you must learn new skills, tools, and mindsets that enable you to communicate, collaborate, and connect with colleagues you may never physically meet. This course will teach anyone considering or currently working in a remote position how to boost their productivity, balance work-life demands, and build meaningful professional relationships regardless of place, proximity, or time zone. With the knowledge and skills developed in this course, you’ll be better equipped to thrive, or help others to thrive, in remote work settings.
Although empowering learners to set and achieve career goals is the essence of career guidance and education, many professionals have little training on the science of motivation and goal setting. As career professionals, it is crucial that you understand these principles in order to effectively support learners who are navigating the complexities of career planning, including setting and achieving goals, maintaining motivation, and adapting to changing circumstances. Decades of research show that when goals are matched to your learners’ interests, values and abilities, their motivation and achievement are more likely to increase. This course provides essential knowledge of motivation and goal setting that equips professionals to help learners strive for career success. *The course contains multiple done-for-you tools and resources for download and use with learners.
In today’s dynamic career guidance landscape, it’s no longer enough to simply place learners in jobs. Modern career support professionals are tasked with empowering clients to excel in their chosen paths. This course, rooted in positive psychology and strengths-based coaching, prepares you to guide learners in discovering and harnessing their unique strengths. It goes beyond recognizing what they excel at. It’s about helping them unlock their full potential. In this course, we’ll delve into the nuances of strengths-based coaching, offering practical strategies, tools, and insights to create a lasting impact. By course completion, you will be transformed from a job placer into a trusted guide, empowering learners not only to excel and achieve their goals but to thrive in their careers.
In today's dynamic career support landscape, generative artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly gained prominence and is poised to become even more prevalent. For career support professionals, embracing this technological shift is not merely advantageous; it's essential. Generative AI offers the capacity to create personalized assessments, optimize resumes, and provide immediate responses, making it a powerful tool in empowering learners on their career journeys. Proficiency in generative AI is no longer a choice; it's a fundamental skill that defines the modern career support professional. By mastering generative AI, you not only invest in your own professional growth but also elevate the support you provide to learners. This course will elevate your career support skills, ensuring you excel in the AI-driven era.
Today’s job seekers need more than advice to thrive. They must be equipped to leverage their strengths, envision their ideal future, and develop an action plan to achieve it. This solution-oriented approach fosters self-reliance and resilience, propelling them toward lasting career success. In this course, you’ll learn how to apply solution-focused coaching to guide learners through their career journeys. From effective goal setting to exception seeking to crafting powerful coaching questions, you’ll master techniques to guide learners toward their preferred futures. By the end of the course, you’ll be a more resourceful and impactful career support professional, equipped with the skills to facilitate positive change and enhance learner outcomes. Enroll now to elevate your coaching effectiveness and make a lasting impact.
While educators increasingly use technology in the lab setting, many don’t know where to start when trying to use it during didactic instruction. Furthermore, administrators have a hard time rolling out these initiatives. This course will go through the stages of a solid rollout plan to take advantage of available technologies. It will also discuss how to teach with technology as an enhancement to education, not a replacement. This course helps instructors, administrators and support staff to better understand how to use these tools.